Full-time office employees are closer to 75.7 at present, which might eventually go down to 72.6% by the end of 2028.

U.S. Executives Predict Remote Jobs Will Keep Increasing

Hybrid Workforce Might See A Rise!

Hybrid employees accounted for 4.1% in 2018, which increased to 15% in 2024. By 2028, there can be a rise to 16.3%.

Increasing Percentage Of Remote Workers

In the light of remote jobs, those working totally remote account for 10.2% globally. 4 years from now, the number might rise sharply to 11.2% or more.

Work-From-Office Jobs A Threat?

Another reason why hybrid and remote jobs are increasing is due to rising concerns about safety while commuting or working with 200 people on a single floor.

Office Presence Is More Productive?

Almost 38% of businesses prefer to bring their employees back to the office because they find them more productive in offices.