As the name suggests, anything but a cup party is a type of party where you get to have fun – by following a strict challenge. The challenge is – you can drink alcohol with anything but a cup.
It is a fun challenge that many like to follow at parties. Gone are the days when you sit around the table and simply drink 30ml or 60ml pegs after pegs. Now, it’s time to spice the party up by not using cups and bottles. Anything else is free real estate for you to drink, my friend.
These parties have become quite popular amongst college students and GenZ kids these days. However, it’s good to see such inventive means of drinking getting popular again. Therefore, start preparing for one by going through the list below.
Best Anything But A Cup Party Ideas
The best anything but a cup party ideas in 2022 are:
1. Soap Dispenser

If you think soap dispensers are there to squirt some soap in your hands and sanitize them, you are wrong. You can also sanitize your liver and your enjoyment too with the right liquid in them too.
If you have anything but a cup party in your house, try bringing in a few soap dispensers. Fill them up with alcohol, and just press the button to get the warm liquids down your throat.
2. Watering Can

Watering cans may be useful for watering your plants. But have you ever thought how much fun it can be if it sprinkles alcohol instead of water?
That’s exactly what I want you to do here. Fill up the canister with alcohol. Then sprinkle some down the throats of others (and yourself) slowly and steadily. You don’t want to spill it all over your face, do you?
Also, don’t forget to add soda and water unless you want vomitus all over the floor.
3. Bucket

One of the OG ways of having alcohol at parties, this is a classic no-brainer. A go-to for many parties for decades, it’s simple and easy to do.
All you need are some alcohol, some ice, some cola (if you want), and a big bucket with some straws. All you need to do is fill the bucket up and enjoy sipping the chilled liquids slowly and steadily. The best thing – your friends and you can drink from the same bucket at the same time. Best done between males as a ritual to initiate the brotherhood.
4. Traffic Road Cone

You have seen the orange traffic cone on the road separating the roads in two lanes. The next time you are out on the road, you can sneakily snag one of the traffic cones you see.
This is one of the best anything but a cone party ideas. The cones are pretty big and can contain a lot of alcohol in it. Just chug its contents down and have lots of fun!
5. Teapot

If you thought tea was all that you could pour from a tea kettle, you have lots to learn, my friend. Instead of adding water and some tea leaves, you can try pouring vodka or rum with some cola in it too.
Pass the teapot around so that everyone can have a sip. Also, be mindful of the top of the kettle since it can easily come off and spill everything while you are pouring it down.
6. Blood Bags

If you ever wanted to be one of the more human-friendly vampires that we have seen in Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, then this one’s for you. Blood bags can be a bit difficult to find since they are only supplied by hospitals and blood banks.
However, if you do manage to get your hand in one (or some) of them, definitely add alcohol to it and start sipping it slowly with a straw. Let your inner vampire out, even if it’s not blood.
7. Squirt Gun

Squirt guns are not only good for squirting people with water and making them wet. You can squirt some alcohol in your mouth too. While this might sound similar to your erotic fantasies, I suggest you try this at an alcohol party instead.
Just fill up the gun with the poison of your choice and spray it on the mouths of people that want it. Just ensure that it’s a proper spray with no liquids leaking from the barrel of the gun.
8. Creepy Halloween Doll Head

If you are hosting anything but a cup party on Halloween, then I highly suggest you follow this idea. If you want to really creep the guests at your house (apart from using your costume), then get doll heads instead.
One of the creepiest anything but a cup party ideas scary; just get some beheaded doll heads. Then, simply fill their skulls with alcohol and start sipping with a straw. Don’t worry, you will not get any liquefied brains. Just some alcohol to resist being scared by others, or maybe the total opposite; who knows?
9. Gas Can

While many consider alcohol as the fuel for your body, you can literally treat it using gas cans. Very easy to find; buy one or a few and fill them up with alcohol. Then start chugging the fluids down and get yourself energized. Just ensure that there is no actual fuel in the can.
10. Pet Feeder

If you think your pet might enjoy drinking some alcohol from their plates, why not try it out once yourself?
Just snatch your dog or cat’s plate and clean it properly first. Then, fill it up with alcohol and start sipping it. The funny trick of this funny anything but a cup party idea is that you have to “lick” the alcohol in the way your cat or dog does.
Also, don’t worry that it might make you feel embarrassed. You can always blame it on the alcohol later on.
11. Ketchup Packet Or Bottle

If you have run out of ketchup, then don’t throw away the bottle yet. You can make good use of it in the upcoming anything but a cup party.
Simply wash them from the inside and fill them up with your favorite alcohol. Simply imagine the look on your friend’s face when they find it filled with red wine instead of tomato sauce. But that is blasphemy because that’s not how you should drink wine.
12. Watermelon

One of the oldest anything but a cup party tricks, this is also one of the best. However, pulling this trick off perfectly requires a bit more effort than the others on this list.
I would recommend trying this out with your favorite vodka (preferably Smirnoff or Absolut). Simply take a watermelon and carve circles on them that bore through to the core. Then, take the entire bottle of vodka and pump it down the hole you created. Leave it inside your fridge for a day.
Also, it’s best to control yourself (and your friends) from eating one slice after the other.
13. Coconut

If you want another food ingredient to get drunk on, then try coconut shells. Get a few from the market and carve out all the white pulp from the inside with a knife. Then, start filling it up with the poison of your choice, and add a straw to it too.
This anything but a cup party idea is great for making some mean cocktails. Just ensure that there are no holes in the coconut.
14. Syringes

If you want something a bit out of the box and totally unheard of, then try a syringe with alcohol in it. Don’t be frightened, though, since no needles are involved.
Here, it’s best if you pair this with a bucket. Simply take the syringe and dip it in the bucket filled with alcohol. Then, just suck some of it into the syringe and thumb it down in your mouth.
15. Beer Helmet

One of the coolest anything but a cup party ideas of all time, the beer helmet is an all-time classic. You can find this pretty easily on online markets like Amazon and even on Walmart.
Simply place the beer cans (technically not a cup) on the sides of the helmet and start sipping from the straws on both ends. Even if you get too tipsy and fall down, this trusty helmet is there to protect your head.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):-
Ans: Some of the best tips for having a fun-filled anything but a cup party are:
⦿ Always bring your own cups. Be as creative as possible.
⦿ Do not drink too much. Know your limits and drink in moderation.
⦿ Play drinking games like “if you did this, then drink,” and more.
Ans: Some other names anything but a cup party goes by are:
⦿ No cups allowed party
⦿ Everything except cups party
⦿ Bring your own vessels party
⦿ ABC Party
Ans: Some rules of anything but a cup party are:
⦿ Bring your own cups
⦿ You should share your cups if they allow you to sip from theirs
⦿ The most inventive cup will get a prize
Conclusion: Who Needs A Cup Anyway?
If you have been invited to anything but a cup party, then it’s time to get your cup all set for the party. If you want to be inventive and get the most attention at the party, then follow the fifteen ideas I have provided here.
Also, do not forget to have lots of fun with your cups. Drink in the most hedonistic way possible and try not to spill some fluids on the floor.
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