The paperless office concept is not a new one, and the steady rise of the internet has been a key driver of the move away from the days of traditional “pen and paper” working. The move towards online business processes and digital data storage has made a move to a paperless workplace far more realistic.
Businesses need to start acting responsibly towards promoting environmental sustainability. Reducing waste, limiting pollution, and being proactive in conservation attempts is the right approach. According to a recent help conference held by Singapore sustainable finance, small and progressive steps in the right direction can help the planet reverse the dangers posed by Global Warming and Climate Change.
But just how paperless is the office in 2021? Taking a few moments to run a mental self-audit could not only benefit the environment, but it could potentially streamline business operations and shave dollars off those monthly business operating costs.
5 Advantages For Going Paperless
The paperless process and office operations have always proved to be more productive. So when you are going for the paperless process, your process is going to be smooth.

Most of the organizations are going for the paperless process. Because it is going to minimize your efforts, and whole office operations will be a smooth and error-free process.
The most valuable thing is going paperless is an eco-friendly process.
Document Handling And Storage
Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of the digital age has been the ability to work on ‘soft copy’ documents as opposed to the traditional hard copy paperwork.
Furthermore, the ability to store large amounts of data cheaply and efficiently makes a move to digital documentation a preferable option.
Traditional physical archiving can be virtually done away with, and digital paperless file storage is far more readily cataloged and accessible compared to the old real-world counterpart.
You Do Not Require Specific Document Saving Room
The archiving room can be consigned to history, saving on both time and expensive office space, which can now be repurposed.
But can the paperless concept be extended even further? Every business, large or small, deals with documentation in some way. And typically, documents require vetting and signing, often by multiple parties. More often than not, the last step in a documentation process is the sign-off, and in many cases, this is still being conducted in the traditional way – with pen and paper.
Consider digitizing this process to augment the paperless initiative. Electronic signature control is easily achievable, and there are several Docusign alternatives available to be able to take a business through this process.
Audit The Utility Bills
The paperless office concept also applies to inbound documentation and paperwork. These days, all utility service providers allow an option to switch to electronic invoicing, statements, and bills. Paperless account maintenance is a much more accurate price. Your tax payment system is going to be a smooth process.
Taking up this option reduces environmental impact and allows for streamlining related office processes like account management, payment, and filing of documentation.
Electronic Document Management
Due to the sheer amount of time and man-hours involved with managing physical file storage and archiving systems, developing comprehensive digital file storage across the entire operation is essential. In the unlikely event that this may not be possible, document management systems can store and modify documents in a variety of formats in an off-site record management company, making the transition more effective and efficient.
Physical file management and archiving involve considerable staff time at all parts of the process – initial filing, ongoing maintenance, and future retrieval. On the other hand, paperless is an intelligent technique where data transportations are becoming much more accessible.
Reduced Renting Space

Furthermore, as the business grows, the archiving requirement grows with it, and physical storage typically needs to be expanded. Factor in the cost of renting space dedicated to housing the document archive on top of the staff person-hours, and it is likely to become a considerable operating overhead.
With paperless electronic data management, these costs are significantly reduced, and efficiency can be further improved by a system of workflow automation which cannot be achieved with the traditional ‘hard copy’ process of document handling.
Cut Out The Paper!
Taking the paperless office concept to the next level should be high on the office managerial list. The benefits to the environment are important in this time of green awareness and sustainability. The benefits to businesses in terms of streamlined office processes and the attendant potential for reducing business overhead are incredibly tangible and shouldn’t be ignored.
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