When You Should See An ENT


Ear, nose, and throat doctors provide a specialized medical service. As the title suggests, they diagnose and treat any conditions associated with these areas. If you’ve never visited an ENT and are wondering what’s involved, the guide below can help.

An ENT medical specialist does not only check your ear area. Along with the ear, your cheeks and jawline issues and discomfort are diagnosed by the ENT specialist. You only have to know which part of your body belongs under the ENT medical practitioner’s areas.

Let’s see first who the ENT specialist is.

What Is An ENT?

An ENT — otherwise known as an otolaryngologist — specializes in treating areas of the ears, nose, and throat. The reason these areas are under one discipline is that in the nineteenth century, doctors realized that the ears, nose, and throat were closely connected with a network of tubes and passages. 

This resulted in the emergence of a new medical specialty known as otorhinolaryngology. While these specialists attend to these three areas of the body, they treat a range of specific conditions such as:

  1. Adenoid removal
  2. Ear infections
  3. Cochlear implants (to restore hearing)
  4. Congenital abnormalities (e.g., a cleft palate or a loss of smell)
  5. Deviated septum
  6. Eardrum perforations
  7. Ear tube inserts
  8. Hearing aid fittings
  9. Hearing loss
  10. Plastic, maxillofacial surgeries to change the ear structure
  11. Reconstructive surgery
  12. Sleep disorder symptoms (e.g., sleep apnea)
  13. Speech medical disorder
  14. Swallowing problem throat disorders
  15. Tonsillectomies
  16. Painful tumors in the head and neck area

When You Should See An ENT

Along with these conditions, below are some reasons why you should visit an ENT.

1. If You Have Allergies

ENTs can treat allergies (especially those that affect the sinuses) through an array of methods. This includes allergy shots, allergy testing, sinus surgery, and specialized procedures. 

For example, Cross Timbers, an ENT in Arlington TX, can perform a balloon sinuplasty, a cutting-edge treatment that uses a special catheter to expand a narrow nasal passageway. This type of treatment is effective for people with sinusitis and allergies.

2. If You Have Hearing Problems

Another reason to see an ENT is if you experience hearing problems such as tinnitus (buzzing or ringing in the ear), hearing loss, dizziness, or infections. 

These specialists not only help improve the quality of your hearing, but they can also treat ear pain, repair eardrums, provide hearing implants, and treat infections that can lead to balance problems.

3. If You Have Neck Issues

Head and neck issues are another common complaint that can be treated by an ENT. Sometimes tuberculosis and cancerous growth are the cause of the unnatural cell growth in the neck area.

This includes thyroid issues, salivary gland infections, neck and head cancers, and masses or benign tumors in the neck.

4. If You Have Throat Issues

ENTs are also specialists when it comes to throat issues. Whether you’re suffering from hoarseness, throat pain, throat infections, or difficulty swallowing, an ENT is trained to treat these conditions. 

They can also diagnose and treat throat cancers. Throat and neck pain is diagnosed by ENT doctors.

5. If You Have Sleep Problems

People who have sleep disturbances due to intense snoring or sleep apnea will also find relief from an ENT. These specialists can provide techniques and tools to allow a person to breathe more easily while they sleep. 

Prior to treatment, an ENT can also do a sleep study to properly diagnose your condition.

6. If You Have Smell And Taste Issues

If you’re experiencing a loss of smell or taste, an ENT can conduct tests to find out what’s causing the problem. In some cases, it can be due to inflammation or obstruction. Your ENT will be able to provide medications, anti-inflammatories, or surgery to remedy the issue.


Most of the patients do not become aware of the working areas of an ENT. This is why when they face health troubles and issues, the first book an appointment with the general physician. But when you are aware of the functions of the ENT specialist. You directly identify the issues and pay the visit to the ENT doctor.

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