Why Can’t I Comment On Facebook? Solved This Issue

why can't i comment on facebook

There are times when you might want to make a comment on Facebook desperately. Seeing a photo or even a comment that you might want to comment on, you might wish to make a comment. However, doing so might be somehow hard in some cases and many people are getting concerned. Why can’t I comment on Facebook you might want to know in such a case. 

If such a thing has ever occurred to you then you might want to know why exactly this is the case. Asking yourself why can’t I comment on Facebook is going to be one of the things you do when you notice this. However, in this quest, you might still find it hard to find a solution especially if you enquire from the wrong sources.

If this is one of the problems you have been facing then this could be due to a number of reasons. It is not strange. First of all, it happens. Finding out why this happens might help you find a solution next time such a thing occurs to you. In such a case, you will not be as troubled as the other people will be in such an event.

Why Can’t I Comment On Facebook? 

Why Can’t I Comment On Facebook

Why is it not possible for you to comment on Facebook or better still why can’t I comment on Facebook? The word Facebook in many cases might seem like a very simple concept to follow. To many users, using Facebook is not that complicated, it is simple and straightforward. 

Making posts and comments on Facebook are presumably some of the simplest things one can do on Facebook. The process of logging in to Facebook and making a comment can never be a big issue even to an amateur. However, this is not always the case in some cases, the process might be complicated in some cases especially to some people.

The entire process of making comments on Facebook might look so simple but it is not. At times you might find this valuable privilege taken away from you by Facebook. Looking at a photo and being unable to comment when you desperately need to do is not a very good experience. 

Also, seeing a comment that addresses you and being unable to comment on it is also an experience to forget. Unfortunately, many people find themselves in this position at times, and even worse is that they never know what to do. If you have been here once then you might want to know exactly why this is the case and the possible ways out of it.

There Are A Variety Of Reasons That Make It Hard To Comment On Facebook 

There Are A Variety Of Reasons That Make It Hard To Comment On Facebook 

If you are asking yourself, why can’t I comment on Facebook then you are not alone. There are quite a number of people who are faced with this problem as well. The truth of the matter is that there are quite a number of reasons that account for this case.

As a person trying to comment you might not be able to understand why this is so in the first place. However, if you carry out more research then you will be able to understand exactly why you are unable to comment on Facebook. Asking yourself why can’t I comment on Facebook posts, you need to first all work on establishing why this is the case. 

One of the reasons why you might not be able to comment on Facebook could be because of the nature of the comments. Sometimes a person might disable you and many others from making comments on the photo and comments they post. Some of them might even do it without your knowledge making it hard for you to comment.

If you are not aware of this then you might really struggle to try to make any comment on Facebook. One thing you need to understand is that Facebook offers a plethora of options. This means even the ability to disable comments on an individual post is allowed.

The Post Could Limit Comments 

The Post Could Limit Comments 

There are also times when people also limit comments on Facebook. In such an event then it might not be possible for you to make any comment or posts on the limited posts. Only specific people with access can make comments whenever they need to on such posts. Finding yourself in such a position you might ask yourself why can’t I like or comment on Facebook posts

However, if you do not have the required access or not permitted then you might not be able to make any comments. This in many cases is always the case as to why people find it difficult to make any comments on their friend’s posts.

The Person Could Have Unfriended You 

The Person Could Have Unfriended You 

This is also another overwhelming possibility as well. If you find that you cannot make any comments to your friend’s posts then chances are you might have been unfriended by them. In such a case, it might not be possible for you to react to such posts in any manner. If you are so torn in between asking yourself, why can’t I comment on Facebook then this could also be the case. 

If you realize that you have been trying to comment on a post without any success then this could be one possibility. Being unfriended on Facebook is one of the reasons that might make it hard for you to comment on any post on Facebook.

There Could Be A Technical Issue 

There Could Be A Technical Issue 

Technical issues also are part of the reasons that might also make it hard for you to comment on a post on Facebook. Before asking yourself why can’t I comment on Facebook you need to, first of all, make sure that all is well with your Facebook. In some instances, you might find it somehow hard to make comments on Facebook posts, especially where there are technical issues.

Thus, before trying out any other means it is important for you to, first of all, make sure that your Facebook is okay. Sometimes there could be just some technical issues making it very hard for you to make any comments on any posts.

Your VPN

VPN is another name for virtual private networks that help users access a particular content that might not be accessible on their usual server. VPN helps to restrict a public network which gives users the freedom to retrieve and send data across networks. 

A lot of time it happens that the VPN creates problems while commenting on Facebook. So, try switching it off and then try commenting. 

VPNs are needed in various scenarios. For instance, you cannot access Netflix content from your region but it is available in some other locations. In such cases, you could use the VPN.

Clear Browser Extensions

Last but not least, browser extensions are third-party apps the installation of which on your browser has certain benefits. It creates and combines additional features on your website. 

Extensions can adapt to any website you are working on. But the problem begins when you download malicious extensions that don’t let you comment on Facebook. 

Try the below steps to clear browser extensions:

  1. Tap on the Options button after opening your browser. You’ll possibly find this on the right upper-hand side. 
  2. Choose Settings. 
  3. Select the Extensions Tab
  4. Look for extensions that aren’t related to Facebook. Disable all of them.


Why can’t I comment on Facebook you might want to know. Well, there are quite a number of reasons that make this the case. The factors listed above are some of the reasons that might make it hard for you to make any comments on Facebook. If you find that it is hard for you to do or make all this possible then the listed above could be some of the reasons as to why. 

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