5 Strategies To Protect Your Income From Taxes

Strategies To Protect Your Income From Taxes

Your income will be taxed at the federal level, state level, and local level. In addition, your earned income must be subjected to additional levies to fund your medical care and social security.

It means that you can’t possibly avoid tax, and that’s okay.

However, we don’t believe in paying extra, and that’s why we have brought some tax-saving tips for you.

If you spend a few hours on the IRS website, you can acquire much financial information from the website on how to protect your income from taxes.

But, if that seems too tedious for you, make sure you take advantage of our tax relief advice right here.

Let’s begin:

1: Max Out Retirement Accounts

In 2022, taxable income will be subjected to a contribution of $20,500. This extra amount can add to your employee retirement or benefits scheme.

If you don’t have a retirement account, you can get a tax break by contributing up to $6000 to a conventional individual retirement account.

Even if your employer has retirement schemes for the employees, you can deduce some amount of money from your monthly earnings.

This deduction is phased out for your adjusted gross income at different levels, and that shows how much money can you deduct if your retirement account is maxed out.

2: Claim Tax Credits

There are many IRS tax credits that can cause you to pay less tax. The problem with tax credits is most people don’t bother claiming them.

But, you can be an exception.

According to 2022 reports, a taxpayer can claim a tax credit for up to $560 if they don’t have a kid, $3733 with one kid, $6164 for two kids, and $6935 for three or more kids.

The American Opportunity Tax Credit offers a minimum of $2500 tax credit to students in the first 4 years of their education. Individuals can claim up to half the money they contributed as a tax credit, so use it wisely.

3: Look For Tax-Free Investment Options

There are certain investment options that offer you tax-free gains. You don’t have to purchase them through a tax-advantaged account to make the investment option tax-free.

For example, you can invest in municipal bonds. The interest amount is less here, and you can also avoid paying federal taxes if you use this option properly.

Your Tax Relief Attorney can show you what the inflation-related saving accounts are, and the interest-earning is exempt from local and state-level taxes there.

Not only these but there are also tax-exempt ETFs and mutual funds that can benefit you in this endeavor. So, take proper investment decisions this year and protect your income from taxes.

4: Use A Health-Savings Account

If you have a high-deductible health insurance plan, the health savings account can help you reduce taxes.

HSA contributions are matched with your payroll information, and they are excluded from the employee’s taxable income.

According to an expert Tax Relief Attorney, the maximum deduction consideration for an individual is $3600, and $7200 for a family. In 2022, these considerations will likely increase to $3650 and $7300 for the individual and the family.

Once you put these funds in place, you don’t have to pay taxes on your earnings.

There’s another benefit of HSA, and that is when you use it to pay for qualified medical expenses, your withdrawals aren’t taxed.

5: Start A Business

Starting a business will not only help you increase your monthly income but will also protect your existing income from taxes.

When you use your daily income to pay off the business expenses, it reduces your tax obligation.

If you follow the IRS guidelines strictly, a business owner may deduct some parts of their home expenses with the home office deductions. The part of rent and internet utilities could also be deducted from your monthly income.

However, you cannot enjoy these benefits if you don’t have a business that makes a profit.

The IRS evaluates multiple factors to make a profit for your business for the last 3-5 years, and that will make you obligated to pay the tax.

To Conclude…

There you are.

We have illustrated the top 5 strategies to protect your income from taxes. Even though it is important that you pay your due tax to the government, you should not pay extra.

These strategies can protect you in that regard so that you don’t have to pay the extra money.

For further questions, ping us in the comment box below.

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Subham Kamila is a published author and Senior Digital Marketing executive On Viacon marketing and technology. He’s passionate about SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, SMM, Google Adwords. He is like to inspire with google, flipkart, amazon, Ahrefs of their marketing strategy.

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