How To Turn Off Comments On Facebook Posts? A Best Guide

How to turn off comments on Facebook posts

Facebook is without any doubt the best and leading social media network.  With more than one billion users from across the world, there is not such a platform that comes close to Facebook. For the users, there has never been a better place to engage in sharing photos and conversing than on Facebook.  However, there have also been some problems with Facebook as well which sent people to ask how to turn off comments on Facebook posts.  

If you have been a consistent Facebook user then you will agree that it can in some cases be a nuisance.  Comments in particular can be so nagging especially if they are so sensitive on a sensitive matter as well.  This is why some people make posts on social media but then decide to turn off comments to the same.  

However, if you do not know how to turn off comments on Facebook posts then you might have to endure harsh Facebook comments.  This is exactly why a good number of people are looking for ways on how to turn off comments on Facebook posts.  

How To Turn Off Comments On Facebook Posts 

Turn Off Comments On Facebook Posts

It is not a surprise that a good number of people do not know how to turn off comments on Facebook posts.  There are many reasons why this is the case.  One of these reasons is the fact that people have never felt the need to use this feature.  This means they condone all types of comments and do not find it essential to turn off some.  

However, for others, the need to know how to turn off Facebook comments has been there but due to lack of know-how, they have never done so.  However, much as this is the case, turning off comments on Facebook is not a lesser need, it is sometimes so essential.

All that said and done, it is essential to explore the whole concept of how to turn off comments on Facebook posts.  Doing so will enable you to know how to do this and more so in the right way especially if you feel the need to turn off some comments on the posts you make on Facebook.  

The process of turning off comments on Facebook is relatively easier if you have been using Facebook for quite some time now.  However, if you still have issues carrying out the procedure in the right way then this text will demonstrate to you how to do so in a much easier and convenient way.  

Step 1 

Log in to your Facebook account using your preferred browser.  If possible, use a faster browser that will enable you easier and fast access to Facebook.  

Step 2 

Once you have done this, move to the drop-down arrow which is right at the top of your screen.  Once you get to this location go to your settings section.  

Step 3

Once you are at the setting section you should now look for a way of changing your privacy settings.  By these settings, you will be able to determine who sees your posts.  If you like, you can review the other people who tag you before you can even go live on Facebook

Step 4 

After doing all these things, it is now time for you to disable who can see your posts which also allows only you to comment.  It is always important for you to update the privacy settings in your post once it has been published.  

The Friends Except For Option 

There is also the friend’s options feature which also serves a purpose similar to that under the discussion.  When you activate this feature then it means only you and a few of your friends will be able to see your posts.  Other than that, no one else will be able to see the comments you post on Facebook when you post them.  

Why Would One Prefer To Turn Off Facebook Comments? 

One might want to know why someone will find it so essential to turn off Facebook comments on a post.  Well, a good number of people who seek to know how to turn off comments on Facebook posts have many reasons as to why they do so.  Here are some of the reasons why some people choose to turn off Facebook comments.  

For Privacy Purposes 

Comments on posts on Facebook are in some ways a breach of the privacy of some people. Those people who value their privacy so much seek so much to know how to turn off comments on Facebook posts.  In fact, a good number of people seek ways on how to turn off comments on Facebook.  

To Avoid Controversial Conversations 

Comments on Facebook posts are sometimes sources of controversies on social media.  This happens anytime someone posts something that appears to rub some people the wrong way and they see the need to express themselves in a certain way.  Normally in such situations, people prefer to turn off comments to make sure that they avoid any controversies.  

For The Peace Of Mind 

Posting something then having to keep going back to it to see what people have to say in their comments is very disturbing.  To allow yourself some peace of mind, you might want to turn off comments to make sure that you are not bothered that much.  If you also suspect that the comments posted might attack you personally then disabling comments will be the better solution for you.  


There are many reasons that compel people to look for ways on how to turn off comments on Facebook posts. Some of these reasons are listed to you above in the text.  You can read from the above text to find reasons why people turn off comments on Facebook and how to do it as well.

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Sofia Kelly is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Sofia Kelly is associated with The Daily Notes & Content Rally.

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